Corozo - 100% sustainable fashion
Corozo, also known as Tagua. (Vegetable ivory). Corozo is 100% natural.
Corozo (Tagua nuts) grows naturally in the subtropical rainforest of South America. The Tagua palm tree, scientifically known as Phytelephas Macrocarpas, can grow up to twenty feet producing large studded fruits. These fruits contain up to five to six cone clusters of seeds. Each cluster is filled with approximately 50 to 60 cavities of white fluid. Eventually, these fluids ripen into a hard white material, known as the Tagua nut.
After Tagua nuts have undergone months of hot weather conditions, they ripen and become extremely hard. Its hardness and color resemble ivory, therefore the nut is also referred to as Vegetable Ivory.
Once the Tagua nut has reached its maturity, this raw material is harvested. The nut's durable characteristic makes it a perfect material for buttons. It has an elegant natural grain which makes each button unique and dyes up beautifully.
Choosing a better future for our planet!
Buttons live long past the garments that they were designed to hold together. This is why it is important to choose a natural and 100% sustainable ones which will not pollute the environment once they are off the garment.